Sher-e- Kashmir did not compromise on the Special Status
Article 306 A was converted into Article 370
Paying tributes to her Late Father Sher-e -Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah on his 117th Birth Anniversary,the Jammu Kashmir Awami National Conference President Begum Khalida Shah said history is witness to Late Sher-e-Kashmir led a full fledged movement and revolutionary front against the exploitative autocratic rule of the Maharaja.That was the time when the oppressed masses were facing extreme levels of poverty and misery.The movement launched by the National Conference faced challenges from all fronts as the world politics underwent a paradigm shift.Those associates of Sher-e-Kashmir who are witness to the party’s hard times and sacrifices are no more in this world and this is the reason that the new generation of Jammu Kashmir is swayed by misconceptions. When Maharaja Hari Singh acceded to India on 27th October 1947 on three conditions -defence, communication, and external affairs -Mehar Chand Mahajan was the Prime Minister of J&K.Sheikh Sahib became ‘Nazim-e-Aala’ in 1947 and the Prime Minister in 1948.The Political writers of that time assert that it was Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who,after terming the Instrument of Accession as temporary and conditional signed it as a witness by saying that this Instrument of Accession will be permanent only after the approval of the people of the State.At that time, Sher-e-Kashmir was neither holding any position in government nor involved directly in the issue.
In 1946, Sheikh Sahib presented the program ‘Naya Kashmir ‘before Maharaja Hari Singh. This was followed by his ‘Quit Kashmir’ movement.The program of ‘Naya Kashmir ‘ wasn’t aimed at just satisfying the sentiments of the people of the State or seeking their pleasure but was a severe blow to the collective, economic, and political exploitation of the people of that time.It was under this program that feudal system came to an end in J&K .The ,’Naya Kashmir ‘ program was not in the interest of rulers and those who thrived on the feudal system.
History is witness that when the Constitution of India was being drafted, the issue of constitutional relationship of J&K with India came to fore. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah,Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beigh, and Moulana Mohammad Saeed Masoodi entered the constitutional assembly of India as the representatives of Jammu Kashmir. After that, when the Article 370 of the constitution of India was presented in a draft from (this Article was earlier under number 306-A), Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah called the working committee of the National Conference and after deliberation,this Article 306 A was rejected as it was written in the Preface of the Constitution of India that this Article would remain for a very short period,besides it surrendered the basic fundamental and citizenship rights of the people of J&K. Thereafter Sheikh Sahib presented an alternative draft after making amendments in the Article 306-A which compelled Sir Gopalaswami Ayyangar to write a complaint to the then Home Minister of India Sardar Patel on 15th October 1949.In his reply letter, Sardar Patel refused to accept the amended draft presented by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. Sher-e-Kashmir did not succumb and threatened to resign from constitutional assembly. Ultimately, Sheikh Sahib’s amended draft was accepted and Article 306-A was converted into Article 370. Then only, according to Article 370, the relationship between State and Centre was made clear and it was agreed upon under the same Article that a separate constituent assembly be constituted for Jammu Kashmir which will decide as to which Article of the Constitution of India should be applicable to the State.The Government of India’s deliberation on such issues with Kashmiri representatives were included in the Delhi agreement. Later in 1951 elections,all the candidates of the Constituent Assembly fielded by the National Conference were won uncontested on the basis of state wide mass acceptance of the “Naya Kashmir” manifesto of Sher-e-Kashmir.
As such, the social vision of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was far more insightful than his political one. The struggle was his life mission.
ANC will leave no stone unturned to get back the Constitutional rights of the people of J&K state as enshrined in the Constitution of India.An ironclads guarantee given by the forefathers of modern India cannot be wished away .The biggest tribute that the people of J&K and Ladakh can pay to Late Sher-e-Kashmir will be to unite and in one voice reject the political blunder of 5th August 2019 prepeprated on the people of J&K .Let their be no doubt in any body’s mind that Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh will stay as one entity under the special status as enshrined in the Constitution.Had Sher-e-Kashmir been alive today,no one could have mustered courage to propose the abrogation of the Article 35-A and Article 370. Floral tributes are being paid by ANC in all district headquarters under their District Presidents in the valley, Jammu and Kargil/Ladakh.
Let us all pray for Magfirat to our great leader .Ameen
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