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JKSERT prepares Sample Question Papers for annual exams of Class 8th


Jammu and Kashmir State council of education and research and training (SCERT) has prepared sample question papers for year end/annual examinations of class 8th to enable students to achieve better performance in competitive exams.

According to an official notification issued by Director SCERT, Right to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act, 2019 recommends regular examination in Classes 5th and 8th at the end of every academic year.

In this context, the teachers/students require proper planning and thorough understanding of the mechanism of the assessment.

SCERT has prepared model/sample question papers of all subjects for class 8th that will enable the students to plan their preparations/studies for achieving better performance and desired competencies, it reads

This will provide a broad template to serve as a guide for ensuring uniformity and proper coverage of the curricula and shall be used for class room teaching and learning activities with an overall focus on promoting the application of concepts in real-life and holistic

Pursuant to Govt. Order No. 338-Edu of 2016 dated: 16.09.2016, it is notified for all the concerned stakeholders that the model/sample question papers of all subjects for class 8th (Term End examination) Session 2022-23 have been uploaded and are available on the official website of SCERT (, reads the notification.

An official in SCERT told that, students can get sample question papers from the official website, adding that sample papers can help students of better understanding and planning for annual exams being held in March next year, he said.

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