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JK Pollution Control Committee observes National Pollution Prevention Day


Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee (JKPCC) today conducted one day program to commemorate National Pollution Prevention Day at Convention Centre, Jammu.
The objective of the program was to deliberate on various environmental aspects besides discussing measures to prevent pollution. The event was also aimed at to have a common platform for discussion among the regulators, implementing agencies and waste generators including various associations to understand the need of taking preventive measures by one and all to save the planet.
Commissioner Secretary, Forest, Ecology and Environment, Sanjeev Verma, graced the occasion as chief guest while Chairperson, JKPCC, Neelu Gera was the guest of honour.
The Program started with inspection of exhibition by the chief guest along with dignitaries and all the participants from various departments and organizations.
Regional Director, JKPCC, Sat Paul, briefed about the objective of the sensitization workshop.
Commissioner Secretary appreciated the efforts of JKPCC for organizing such type of programs. He impressed upon all participants to work with commitment to ensure awareness among general masses regarding importance of taking small steps at household level and at level of departments and Industries to prevent pollution at source level.
Commissioner Secretary further stressed upon working out a strategy for implementation of notification issued by the Government of India for ensuring ban on SUPs from 1st July. He further informed that mock drills should be regularly taken up by industries handling toxic chemical and gases to ensure that any accident related thereto may be effectively and timely averted .
Chairperson, JKPCC, Dr Neelu Gera, in her address stressed upon using environment friendly products to reduce waste generation at source. She added that replacement of Single-Use Plastic Products (SUPPs) by various available eco-friendly alternatives and replacement of conventional fuels like coal and wood (banned for use in J&K by dhabas and eateries) by sustainable and eco-friendly fuels like dung logs and poultry manure briquettes should be encouraged and promoted
Member Secretary, JKPCC, K. Ramesh Kumar, informed the gathering that environmental pollution specifically air pollution is a global issue, being transboundary in nature it needs immediate and strategic international and regional co-operation for efficient implementation of mitigation policies to tackle air pollution.
Former Additional Director and Government Analyst, Central Pollution Control Board MoEF and CC Government of India, Dr Sanjeev Agrawal, made a detailed presentation over latest trends and innovations in abatement of pollution in India.
President and CEO, SRC Systems and Reengineering Consultants, Hyderabad, Dr. K. R. Chari, talked about circular economy with focus on ensuring waste to wealth so as to manage specific types of waste in an efficient manner alongwith revenue generation.
Head- Re Sustainability Limited, Hyderabad, Bobby Kurien, discussed various sustainable solutions to ensure environment management while Dr. S. B Matta, General Manager, Tata Motors Smart City Mobility Solution Limited gave an overview of electric vehicles to ensure sustainability.
Vote of thanks was presented by Neelu Sharma, Principal Scientific Officer, JKPCC.
The Program was also attended by Professors from Jammu University, SKUAST, SMVDU, Officers from JMC, UEED, NRLM, JKPCC, Functional Managers of I&C Department, ARTOs, Federation of Industrial Association, Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dairy Farms Association and Poultry Farms Association, Resident Welfare Associations besides DISHA organization and Indian Pollution Control Association (PRO).

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