Div Com Kashmir reviews development & management of Public Parks in Srinagar


The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang K Pole today convened a meeting to review the development & management of Public parks by Floriculture, Srinagar Municipal Corporation, SDA, Tourism , Traffic and other departments.
The meeting was attended by Director Tourism; VC, Srinagar Development Authority; RTO Kashmir; officers of the floriculture department, SMC, YSS, police and others.
On the occasion, Div Com asked concerned departments to provide a list of public parks under their possession including major and small gardens.
He asked them to submit the physical and financial status of those parks for the financial year 2022-23.
Div Com also asked for holding the meeting of the committee already framed by the government under the Director Floriculture, Kashmir.
Pertinently, the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh had issued an order for both Divisional Commissioner’s of Kashmir and Jammu to file independent report on the subject.


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