Wildfires on Maui: 67 dead as flames spread and homes are destroyed to ashes

Wildfires on Maui: 67 dead as flames spread and homes are destroyed to ashes
Wildfires on Maui: 67 dead as flames spread and homes are destroyed to ashes

Wildfires on Maui: The number of fatalities on Maui increased to 67 on Friday as authorities reported another 12 deaths related to a major fire that reduced large portions of a centuries-old town to a hellscape of charred debris.

Officials from Maui County announced in an online statement that firefighters were still battling the blaze, which was not yet completely out of control. Meanwhile, Lahaina residents were finally permitted to visit their homes to evaluate the damage.

Automobiles in flames being crushed by fallen telephone poles. As a reminder of the burned-out apartment complexes they previously served, charred lift shafts remain. pools with water that is a dark charcoal colour. Children’s scooters and trampolines were damaged by the intense heat.

However, many fire survivors claimed in interviews that they had no prior warning of impending danger, no alarms to alert them, and only became aware of it when they saw flames or heard explosions close by.

“There was no announcement. There was none at all. Nobody approached. Nobody or a fire truck were seen, according to Lynn Robinson, whose house was destroyed in the blaze.

Gov. Josh Green warned that the death toll would likely rise as search and rescue operations continue. He also said that Lahaina residents would be allowed to return Friday to check on their property and that people would be able to get out, too, to get water and access other services. Authorities set a curfew from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. Saturday.

Also read: Maui Wildfire Tragedy: 53 Dead, 1000 Missing, Ongoing Rescues


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