Surankote police have intensified their crackdown on drug dealers and users, taking decisive action to curb the menace of drug abuse in the region. Under the leadership of SDPO Surankote, Ajaz Choudhary, the police team has been actively patrolling markets and neighborhoods over the past several days. During these operations, numerous individuals, particularly young people found under the influence, have been detained for questioning to identify and apprehend drug suppliers. This proactive approach has sent a strong message about the seriousness of the authorities in tackling the drug problem in Surankote.
SDPO Ajaz Choudhary has issued a stern warning that anyone involved in drug-related activities, whether as dealers or users, will face strict legal action without exception. He urged the public to cooperate with the police and refrain from attempting to influence investigations on behalf of those involved in drugs. Ajaz Choudhary emphasized that public support is crucial in eliminating this social evil and ensuring a safe and healthy environment for the youth of Surankote. This robust action reflects the commitment of the Surankote police to uphold law and order and protect the community from the harmful effects of drugs.