Police arrests 05 gamblers in Baramulla, stake money seized


Acting tough against social crimes, Police in Baramulla have arrested 05 gamblers and seized stake money from their possession.

Acting on specific information about gambling activities at Chennad Delina, a police party led by IC PP Delina raided the specific site and arrested 03 gamblers on the spot. They have been identified as Gh Nabi Bazaz son of Gh Qadir resident of Nasimbagh Sopore, Naveed Nabi Bhat son of Gh Nabi Bhat resident of Khawajabagh and Gh Hassan Bhat son of Mohd Zaman resident of Shiapora Delina. Officers have seized stake money of ₹2,320/- and playing cards from the gamblers.

Similarly, a police party led by IC PP Mirgund raided the gambling site at Rambailgarh and arrested 03 gamblers on the spot. They have been identified as Adil Ahmad Khan son of Mohd Ayoob Khan resident of Matipora A/P Singhpora Pattan and Shahzad Ahmad Malik son of Gh Ahmad Malik resident of Singhpora Pattan. Officers have seized stake money of ₹ 4,000/- and playing cards from the gamblers.

Accordingly, cases under relevant sections of law have been registered at respective police stations and investigations have been initiated.

Persons found indulging in criminal activities shall be dealt as per law. Community members are requested to share information regarding the crimes in their neighbourhood with the local police units.


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