On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his excitement about his upcoming visit to Sonamarg for the inauguration of the Z-Morh Tunnel on Monday. In a response to Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah’s post on the microblogging platform X, PM Modi wrote, “I am looking forward to my visit to Sonamarg, Jammu and Kashmir for the inauguration of the tunnel. You are absolutely right about its positive impact on tourism and the local economy. I also enjoyed the aerial views and videos!”
Previously, CM Omar visited Sonamarg to assess preparations for PM Modi’s visit. Sharing aerial footage of the tunnel entrance and surrounding areas on X, he noted, “Visited Sonamarg today to review the arrangements for PM @narendramodi ji’s visit on Monday. The Z-Morh tunnel’s inauguration will make Sonamarg accessible to tourists throughout the year. The area will be developed as a major ski resort, and the local community will no longer have to migrate during winter. Moreover, the travel time between Srinagar, Kargil, and Leh will be significantly reduced.”
According to an official spokesperson, PM Modi’s visit to Sonamarg is scheduled for 11:45 am on Monday. After inspecting the tunnel, he will inaugurate it and address the audience.
The Z-Morh Tunnel, approximately 12 kilometers long, has been constructed at a cost exceeding Rs 2700 crore. The project includes the main Sonamarg tunnel, an egress tunnel, and approach roads. Situated at an elevation of over 8,650 feet above sea level, the tunnel will significantly improve all-weather connectivity between Srinagar and Sonamarg, bypassing avalanche- and landslide-prone areas and ensuring safer access to the strategically important Ladakh region. It will also boost tourism by transforming Sonamarg into a year-round destination, promoting winter tourism, adventure sports, and supporting local livelihoods.
Once completed, alongside the Zojila Tunnel by 2028, it will reduce the distance from 49 km to 43 km and increase vehicle speed from 30 km per hour to 70 km per hour, ensuring uninterrupted NH-1 connectivity between Srinagar and Ladakh. This enhanced connectivity will also support defense logistics, stimulate economic growth, and foster socio-cultural integration in Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
The PM will also meet the construction workers who have worked tirelessly in challenging conditions, recognizing their contribution to this remarkable engineering accomplishment.