Kulgam Police organized a Piping Ceremony at District Police office Kulgam to honour newly promoted Sub-Inspector Sarwan Singh Sethi. The ceremony was presided over by SSP Kulgam Shri Sahil Sarangal-IPS, who along with DySP HQRS Kulgam and DySP DAR Kulgam formally decorated the officer with his new rank.
The event marked a significant milestone in the professional journey of the officer, recognizing his dedication and outstanding contributions for maintaining peace and law enforcement.
Speaking on the occasion, SSP Kulgam congratulated the promoted officer and commended his commitment to duty. “Your promotion is a testament to your hard work and the trust the department places in you. I urge you to continue demonstrating integrity, discipline, and excellence in your new roles”, he stated.
Besides, officers present extended their congratulations and best wishes to the promoted officer, encouraging him to uphold the high standards of the Police force.