Nvidia unveils ‘world’s most powerful’ AI chip, the B200


In a highly anticipated event held at a hockey arena in the heart of Silicon Valley, Nvidia’s Chief Executive Jensen Huang set the stage for the company’s annual developer conference with a flurry of announcements aimed at solidifying its leading position in the artificial intelligence sector.

Amidst the eager anticipation of tech enthusiasts and industry insiders, Huang introduced Nvidia’s newest chip, boasting a remarkable 30-fold increase in speed for select tasks compared to its predecessor. The unveiling of this cutting-edge chip was complemented by the revelation of a suite of software tools, strategically crafted to facilitate developers in seamlessly deploying AI models to companies utilising Nvidia’s technology, a clientele encompassing the world’s tech giants.

The significance of Nvidia’s chip and software innovations showcased at GTC 2024 cannot be overstated, as they stand as pivotal determinants of whether the company can uphold its commanding 80% share of the AI chip market.

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