India Aims to Unite and Progress with Nations Amid Global Conflicts: Rajnath Singh


Defence Minister Rajnath Singh emphasized India’s vision of unity and collaboration with other nations, particularly at a time when several countries are embroiled in conflicts. Speaking at the ‘Tarang Shakti’ multilateral air exercise, Singh highlighted India’s intent to foster cooperation rather than confrontation, setting the country apart from others engaged in warfare.

“While nations today are involved in wars, India’s goal is to unite and move forward together,” Singh remarked. His comments resonate with India’s growing global role, especially in light of its potential to mediate peace talks, such as between Russia and Ukraine, where New Delhi maintains favorable relations with both nations.

At ‘Tarang Shakti,’ which is currently India’s largest multilateral air exercise, Singh encouraged friendly countries to elevate their partnerships with India, especially in the face of evolving global challenges. He stressed that by working together, nations can overcome these challenges and build a more stable and peaceful world order.

In addition to advocating for global unity, the defence minister also pointed out India’s advancements in military technology. Singh highlighted how India is becoming increasingly self-reliant in key areas like light combat aircraft, sensors, radars, and electronic warfare systems. This focus on self-sufficiency, he explained, enhances India’s ability to collaborate with other countries on equal footing, while also reinforcing the country’s defense capabilities.

India’s stance, as articulated by Rajnath Singh, showcases its commitment to peace and cooperation on the global stage, positioning itself as a nation that seeks collaboration rather than division amidst growing global tensions.


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