House burgled in Jammu with fake key


Aman Zutshi

A surprising incident has come to fore in which unidentified thieves burgled a house using a fake key in Narwal Pain Satwari area of Jammu yesterday night.

As per the report, some unidentified bullet bike borne burglars gained access to a house situated in Narwal Pain Satwari  by using a fake key, when the residents of the house were away and stole Rs 20,000 cash, 2 gold bangles, 1 mangalsutra and some silver ornaments.

The thieves didn’t broke locks of the residence they stealthily gained entry into it by making duplicate keys.

“I was in my in-laws house and came back to our home at 12-12:30am. I had to stay there but came back the very next day.

“My daughter who studies in 10th stayed back in our neighbour’s house as she has school to attend,  but in the evening she came back to our house to take milk and that time our house wasn’t burgled.

“When my daughter left two men came on bike jumped over the walls of our house and entered our rooms through fake keys.

“We have registered a police complaint. My husband is an army man and how will we teach our kids”, said the victim woman.


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