Amending constitution will end parliamentary democracy, says P Chidambaram

P Chidambaram
P Chidambaram

Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram said on Monday that if the Constitution is amended, as per the BJP-RSS agenda, it will be the end of parliamentary democracy, federalism, rights of the minorities, and English being one of the two official languages.

Chidambaram’s remarks came over Bharatiya Janata Party MP Anant Hegde’s statement that his party needs a two-thirds majority to amend the Constitution.

“The BJP’s intention to amend the Constitution was never a secret. Dozens of BJP leaders in private conversations have said that India must be a Hindu Rashtra, that Hindi must be the sole official language of India and the central government must be strong and prevail over the state governments,” Chidambaram said in a post on X.

Hegde has on March 10 said the Indian constitution needs to be changed ‘to save our religion’ and the only way BJP can do it is if the party can win over 400 Lok Sabha seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

The BJP, however, distanced itself from the controversial remark and dubbed Hegde’s remark as his personal opinion and has even sought clarification.

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