wpl2025 . The TATA Women’s Premier League (WPL) Player Auction List has been announced, the Auction is to take place in Bengaluru on 15th December 2024. Rubiya Syed of JKCA has been shortlisted for the auction.”The news has brought cheers among women cricketers of J&K.
Her selection will motivate many more aspiring women cricketers and spur greater competition amongst them,” stated Brig Anil Gupta while complimenting Rubiya. 120 players have been shortlisted for the auction including 29 overseas cricketers, informed Mithun Manhas.
19 slots are up for grabs, with 5 slots reserved for overseas players. JKCA wishes the best of luck to Rubiya Syed and the entire cricket fraternity of J&K is hopeful of her selection for the WPL 2025.
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