India’s attention is now focused on February 1, when Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget. Alongside, the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on Waqf issues is set to present its draft report, which has stirred significant political discussions across the country. The JPC, chaired by senior BJP MP Jagdambika Pal, has completed its consultations with key stakeholders and finalized its report.
The Waqf Panel addressed contentious issues such as district-level authority distribution and reforms in the existing Waqf Act. The committee engaged with state representatives, lawyers, and other stakeholders but faced criticism for not adequately including voices from Jammu and Kashmir. Despite these concerns, the JPC has announced that its report will be tabled in Parliament during the Budget Session.
The finalized report, prepared after extensive deliberations, will determine whether amendments to the Waqf Act are necessary. The report will be distributed to members of Parliament before being tabled, likely towards the end of the session. All eyes are now on how the government responds to the recommendations and whether they address the expectations of various stakeholders.
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