Union Budget 2023-24: What’s cheaper & what’s costlier? Here is the full list


Union Budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1. Following the budget, a number of commonly used items will become more expensive for the consumers.

Here’s a list of items that will become cheaper and costlier in FY24:

Articles made from gold bars will see the basic customs duty hiked.

Customs duty on kitchen electric chimney has also been increased to 15% from 7.5%

Basic customs duty on seeds used in manufacturing of lab-grown diamonds will be reduced.

Customs duty on shrimp feed to promote exports will also be reduced.

Concessional basic customs duty of 2.5% on copper scrap will continue.

The budget also proposes to cap deductions from capital gains on investments in residential houses to 10 crore.

Custom duty on cigarettes has been increased.

Basic custom duty rates on goods other than textiles and agriculture has been reduced from 21 to 13.


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