Trump Alleges Cocaine Use to Energize President Biden’s Speeches

Trump Alleges Cocaine Use to Energize President Biden's Speeches
Trump Alleges Cocaine Use to Energize President Biden's Speeches

Former President Donald Trump alleged that an unidentified group is using cocaine to energize Joe Biden before his speeches, following the discovery of a small quantity of cocaine during a routine security check at the White House by the Secret Service. Trump propagated the notion that the drugs were intended for the current president or his son, Hunter Biden, who has battled addiction issues. Trump went so far as to claim that Joe Biden is “a president that’s on cocaine.”

According to Trump, the cocaine incident at the White House is merely the tip of the iceberg, as he asserted that the president’s speeches exhibited signs of drug influence. He pointed out that Biden initially appears somewhat lively during his speeches, but by the end, he becomes disoriented and struggles to exit the stage. Trump insinuated that something is amiss.

Trump further contended that the cocaine discovered at the White House was meant for both Joe and Hunter Biden, emphasizing that it was his personal opinion. He expressed concerns about having a president under the influence of cocaine, particularly when dealing with matters involving nuclear weapons and other critical issues, deeming it highly perilous.

The Secret Service is currently investigating the incident, and the findings have yet to be disclosed. However, there is currently no evidence linking the Bidens to the cocaine. It was reported earlier that both Joe and Hunter Biden were absent on a trip to Camp David when the cocaine was found.

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