Total solar eclipse in April: Why it won’t be visible in India

Total solar eclipse in April: Why it won’t be visible in India
Total solar eclipse in April: Why it won’t be visible in India

There is set to be a total solar eclipse on the night of April 9, when the Moon will by the Sun, completely covering it. It will happen between 9.13 PM IST on April 9 and 2.22 AM IST on April 10 and it will be visible from Mexico, the Eastern part of the United States South-Eastern Canada.

While solar eclipses occur about every 18 months somewhere on Earth, the path of totality is relatively narrow, and any given location will only experience a total eclipse every few hundred years on average.

Totality refers to the brief period during a solar eclipse when the moon completely covers the disk of the sun, leaving only the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the corona, visible. During totality, the sky darkens significantly, resembling twilight, and observers may witness the stars and planets becoming visible during the day.

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