Three Injured in Car Accident on Sopore-Rafiabad Road


On Sunday morning, a car skidded off the Sopore-Rafiabad road and fell into a nallah, injuring three passengers critically. The accident occurred around 6 a.m. The vehicle, with registration number JK05A-5398, crashed into the nallah, leading to serious injuries for those inside.

The injured individuals have been identified as:

Sameer Ahmad Dar, 45, of Khwaja Gilgit Sopore, who was transferred to SKIMS Srinagar for advanced treatment.
Waseem Bashir Dar, 35, of Mahrajpora Sopore.
Imtiyaz Ahmad Mir, 60, of Checkroday Khan Sopore.

The victims were initially taken to GMC Baramulla for medical attention. The police have registered a case and are investigating the circumstances of the accident.


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