The passage of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly resolution is our biggest achievement. In the past, similar resolutions sent to Delhi were immediately rejected, but this time, the resolution passed has not only laid a foundation but also paved the way for future discussions. This proves that we have taken a step that is not only politically significant but also wise.
For the opposition, he countered, ‘Why wasn’t it said earlier, and what is missing now? There was a discussion on Jammu and Kashmir’s special status and constitutional guarantees. What do you actually want from this?’ He emphasized that this resolution wasn’t just a political gesture, but a strategic move aimed at preserving the rights and interests of Jammu and Kashmir.
Regarding prisoners, he mentioned that all the issues we’ve raised along the way, whether with local police officers or the central government, have been discussed. Now, the focus should shift towards the state government’s role and responsibility in addressing these concerns.
Also, when asked about the economic stability, he said that, “Jammu and Kashmir has limited resources to sell, except for electricity, which we generate from our rivers. Projects like Ratle and Kiru will increase our earnings and stabilize the economy.”
“While the previous government discussed lithium mines, no progress has been made, and it will need to be taken forward”, said Omar.
Tourism has potential, but it needs further development to enhance. The current Government will also focus on Tourism and Agriculture development.