Taliban is allowing LeT and JeM to shift base to Afghanistan, claims former Afghan Security chief


Former Director of the intelligence agency Rahmatullah Nabil also says despite close ties with India, he was denied visa
Despite its engagement with the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, India must not let its guard down, said former Afghanistan intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil, warning that Pakistani terror groups targeting India like Jaish e Mohammad and Lashkar e Toiba have shifted bases to Afghanistan with help from the Taliban, and have access to more technology and territory.
Mr. Nabil said that while engaging the Taliban was necessary for India in its “own interests”, New Delhi should keep channels open with former leaders as well, even though they are now out of power. Mr. Nabil, who served as the Director of the National Defence Secretariat (NDS) under both President Karzai and President Ghani, had closely cooperated with India during his tenure (2010-2015), had famously resigned over Mr. Ghani’s visit to Pakistan, and decision to set up hotlines between security chiefs.


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