Swachata conference held in Budgam, way forward discussed


Under Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign, a day long Swachhata Conference was organised by District administration Budgam in collaboration with Rural development department Budgam.

The conference was presided over by DDC Budgam S F Hamid IAS. Director Rural development Kashmir Khalid Majeed,was the guest of honour.

Mr Hamid, while speaking on the occasion, stated that the aim of the such conferences is to bring all stakeholders on the table and discuss and share ideas and get feedback about the programme.

The DC said such conferences will be conducted at block level too in which locals are sensitised to make this initiative successful.

“Lets all take a pledge to make Budgam a clean and green district not only at UT level but also at National level,” the DC added.

Director Rural Development Kashmir Khalid Majeed said one of the easiest and economical goals which a person can do nowadays is cleanliness of his environment.

He said PRIs should come forward to make their panchayats clean. He said there’s a dire need of public joining hands in this initiative of Swachhata mission.

He said solid liquid waste management is the basic aim of Rural Development department. He said Department is always supportive in this initiative.

An Audio visual presentations which showed the best practices of waste management and drove home the point of the responsibility of citizens in managing and segregating the waste in their households was shown by ACP Budgam Zahida Mir.

Raja Muzaffar Bhat, an eminent activist, gave a practical demonstration on Solid Liquid Resource Management (SLRM) wherein it was apprised how to manage the household waste by keeping two colour dustbins (Blue and Green) for dry and wet waste.

He also demonstrated the methods by which bio degradable and non bio degradable waste could be separated and how the organic waste could be turned into compost for the home lawns.

On the occasion, a Felicitation ceremony was conducted where in PRI members of various panchayats were appreciated for their best Swachhata practices.

This was followed by a question answer and brain storming session wherein the participants  gave their suggestions and highlighted.

The Conference ended with a Vote of thanks by ADDC Budgam , Dr Akhramullah Tak, in which he requested the audiences not to restrict cleanliness to a one-day affair only. “It has to be a daily affair with a strong resolve to ensure a clean environment for the wellbeing of people,” he said.


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