SSP Srinagar Chairs Comprehensive Year-end Meeting


Senior Superintendent of Police Srinagar Rakesh Bhalwal presided over a comprehensive year-end meeting at the District Police Office here on Thursday. The meeting was attended by all zonal SPs, SP/Hqs, SP/PC, all DySPs, all SHOs, DOs, all PC camp incharges and other relevant officials.

“The main agenda of the meeting was to take appraisal of the work done during the outgoing year (2022). The good work done during the preceding year was appreciated and a stock of crime disposal, public-centric Policing, Investigation work, law and order work, anti-militancy work, measures for protection of vulnerable sections of society like Kashmiri Pandits, non local-labourers, vulnerable locals was also taken”, said a spokesperson in a statement issued.

“Stress was also laid by the SSP Srinagar on transparency, working tirelessly against drug menace & being ruthless in eliminating this menace. Emphasis was laid on prevention and tackling of social crimes, crimes against women and most importantly improving public-police relations by making public as equal stakeholder for developing a crime free society”, reads the statement.

“Tangible targets were set for the coming year and the officers were directed to ensure that the work done during 2022 is taken to the next level during the coming year 2023. The senior police officer also set targets for all officers vis-à-vis crime disposal and services like timely verification as envisaged in Public Services guarantee Act”, the statement reads further.


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