Actors are often accompanied by multiple bodyguards who provide protection at airports or public events. Numerous videos of bodyguards pushing fans have surfaced online. A week earlier, in an interview with Humans of Bombay, Sonu Sood opened up on how these bodyguards are trained to bring the public’s attention towards the actor. Sonu Sood shared his thoughts on how some actors intentionally attract attention in public spaces. He explained, “Bodyguards and entourages are often trained to create a scene, especially at places like airports. They make noise and stir up curiosity. So, even those minding their own business, turn and see who’s coming. That’s how they get attention. The same actor, walking alone, could easily pass through with only a few fans asking for photos. But when chaos is created, it ensures they get noticed.”
Recalling an incident, Sonu Sood said, “I was at the gym when a friend came to pick me up. A car stopped nearby, and a bodyguard stepped out, pretending there was a huge crowd. He started shouting, ‘Step back,’ even though no one was around. The actor then followed and entered the building amidst this. The truth is, if you simply walk into a crowd, most people won’t bother you. I have bodyguards too, but I always instruct them to avoid pushing anyone. Even when walking in a chain, I tell them try not to push anyone. The public is generally well-behaved and harmless. However, maximum people have a problem that why they don’t do anything. So, they make public active with these tricks. That’s the reality.”