On April 15, actor-comedian Kapil Sharma paid a visit to the Vaishno Devi cave sanctuary. His spouse Ginni Chatrath, together with their offspring, son Trishaan and daughter Anayra, accompanied him. In Jammu, Kapil also performed religious songs known as bhajans at the Mata Vaishno Devi Bhawan. On social media, the actor’s images and videos from the shrine were posted a few times.
A video of Kapil from Vaishno Devi had him exiting the temple while greeting people with ‘Jai Mata Di’. He was dressed in a printed kurta and pyjama. Another video had him carrying his son Trishaan in his arms while Ginni and daughter Anayra walked beside him. Fans of the actor-comedian were visibly elated to see their favourite comedian at the shrine during the ongoing festivities of Navratri.
A fan of Kapil also posted a video of him singing the popular bhajan ‘Tune Mujhe Bulaya Sherawaliye’ at the shrine with others. The devotional song was originally sung by Narendra Chanchal.