Sheetal Nanda reviews functioning of SWD units of Kathua, Samba


Commissioner Secretary, Social Welfare Department, Sheetal Nanda, today chaired a meeting to review functioning of Social Welfare units of Kathua and Samba districts.
The meeting was attended by Director General Social Welfare Jammu, Vivek Sharma, Deputy Commissioner Kathua, Rahul Pandey, ADDC, Ankur Mahajan, Mission Director, Vatsalya Harvinder Kour, DPO Poshan Kathua/Samba, CEO, CMO Kathua and senior officials from Social Welfare Department including Deputy Directors, and Assistant Directors.
During the meeting, Sheetal Nanda reviewed progress on ongoing social welfare schemes and initiatives being implemented in Kathua and Samba districts. She emphasized the need for effective implementation of these schemes to ensure that the benefits reach the targeted beneficiaries. She also stressed the importance of identifying and addressing any gaps or shortcomings in the implementation process for better results.
Commissioner Secretary also took notice of several issues faced by the Social Welfare Department in twin districts, including issuance of Category Certificates, scholarships for SC/STs, district wise re-modeling of CIIS and provision of staff therein, status of sponsorship cases, details of cases for adoption received by DC offices and many others.
Commissioner Secretary directed the officials to address these issues on priority to ensure smooth functioning of the department and timely delivery of services to the beneficiaries.
Sheetal Nanda also reviewed progress on various schemes launched by the department including National Social Assistance Programme, Integrated Child Protection Scheme and State Marriage Assistance Scheme. She directed the officials to ensure that the schemes are implemented effectively and efficiently to achieve intended objectives.
DPO Poshan Kathua/Samba gave a detailed PowerPoint Presentation regarding the status of Mission Poshan wherein they apprised the meeting about the issues ranging from status of fund utilization vis a vis supplementary nutrition programme, RRT, Aadhar seeding, VHSNDs, CBEs, etc.
Commissioner Secretary called for ensuring Piped Water Connections under JJM in all the AWCs, provision of separate toilets for children in AWCs besides other amenities as per the requisite specifications.
She also enquired about the status of wall paintings, Poshan Vatikas, ECCE activities, pedagogical techniques employed by AWWs to teach children enrolled in AWCs.
Sheetal Nanda stressed for ensuring purchase of nutrition for enrolled children at local level besides ensuring regular supply of food stock to rule out any disruption of feeding of nutritional diet to children and pregnant/lactating women.
While reviewing outreach activities of field functionaries, Commissioner Secretary called for ensuring mobilization of ground staff for providing mandated services and recording of the parameters on regular intervals.
To ensure regular monitoring of attendance of Poshan staff in AWCs, Commissioner Secretary informed that a workable monitoring mechanism shall be put in place in coming days to fix responsibility and accountability of the staff on this account.
She also exhorted upon the officials to work with dedication and commitment to ensure that the social welfare schemes reach the targeted beneficiaries in the districts. She also stressed the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation to assess the impact of these schemes and identify areas for improvement.


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