Security Council condemns Taliban’s ban on Afghan women working for UN

 UN Security Council :
 UN Security Council :

UN Security Council : The UN Security Council has unanimously condemned the decision by the Taliban to ban Afghan women from working for the United Nations in Afghanistan, calling on the de facto authorities to “swiftly reverse” policies and practices that restrict women and girls from exercising their human rights.The 15-nation Council, under the current Presidency of Russia, unanimously passed the resolution on Thursday that “condemns the decision by the Taliban to ban Afghan women from working for the United Nations in Afghanistan, which undermines human rights and humanitarian principles.” The resolution also calls for the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of women and girls in Afghanistan.It also calls upon the Taliban to “swiftly reverse the policies and practices that restrict the enjoyment by women and girls of their human rights and fundamental freedoms including related to their access to education, employment, freedom of movement, and women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in public life.” It urges all States and organisations to use their influence, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, to promote an urgent reversal of these policies and practices.Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the UN Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, delivering a statement on behalf of Japan and her country in their capacity as co-penholders on the Afghanistan file, said the restrictions imposed by the Taliban are unprecedented in the history of the United Nations, and they put the very presence of the UN in Afghanistan in jeopardy. “By adopting this resolution, the Council would send an unequivocal message of condemnation and a clear call for the swift reversal, not only of this latest ban but of others restricting the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan,” she said.


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