Residents of Bandipora Village criticize the absence of public transportation

Villagers criticize the absence in transport for public
Villagers criticize the absence in transport for public

Villagers criticize the absence in transport: The residents of Barzulla village in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district are facing problems due to the lack of public transport.

The peasants must trek many kilometers for their daily tasks, including work.

The issue is exacerbated for people who work in the public or commercial sectors while studying because they must locate lodging for the night or cover many kilometers on foot.

“Many of us are unable to pay the accommodation rentals in Bandipora town. Thus, we are compelled to walk home every day,” a resident named Shahid Lone remarked. “Those pursuing their studies are forced to walk farther each day.”

“There is no public transportation in the village, and it is distant. Our lives may be better if the village’s transportation system was started, a fellow villager remarked.

The locals claimed that they must pay a hefty fee for private transportation.

“It cannot be a daily occurrence. There are instances in which people must go back to their residences. Thus, the relevant authorities ought to investigate the issue,” an other villager remarked.

Also read: Delegation led by Chairman All J&K Transport Welfare Association calls on Lt Governor

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