Public Grievance Redressal Camp held at Panchayat Halqa Falchil in Block Parnewa


DC Budgam stresses on speedy completion of developmental projects
BUDGAM, JANUARY 11: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Budgam, S F Hamid today chaired the public grievances redressal camp at Panchayat Halqa Falchil in Block Parnewa.
On the occasion, PRIs and other respected from village Falchil, Nunar, Bugroo, Dreygam and other adjacent villages apprised the DC about their demands.
After giving patient hearing to the public, the DC directed the concerned to take up all required works on priority.
He said that work on the ongoing Syed Saliha WSS be completed in stipulated time frame to provide adequate potable water supply to residents of Falchil and other adjoining villages to be covered on the scheme.
The DC instructed concerned to identify suitable land for the development of playgrounds at village Falchil and Dreygam on war footing.
He said the work on the same be completed within the shortest possible time period to facilitate sports facilities to local youths.
PDD authorities were directed to conduct surveys for improvement works in Nunar- Falchil and Bugroo- Nunar HT lines.
Earlier, CEO Budgam said that a feasibility check shall be carried out for the upgradation of High School and primary schools in the area.
Concerned BMO was given instructions to ensure better Health facilities are provided to the general public at PHC Nunar and Health and Wellness Centre Falchil.
The DC directed concerned to ensure work on the road development and better transport facilities are provided to the people.
He stressed on coordination between departments and availability of field functionaries on the ground for the general public.
Asserting on cleanliness and sanitation, the DC urged the PRIs and locals to ensure complete ban on single use plastic items and proper garbage disposal besides, construction of compost and soakage pits for solid waste and liquid waste management.
He emphasized that works related to irrigation, road development, and improvement in other sectors be executed in a time bound manner for public convenience.
The DC also appealed to locals to avail benefits under the PDD’s amnesty scheme.
He urged them to take all fire safety measures to avoid untoward incidents during winters.
On the occasion, BDO concerned deliberated on developmental works completed under MGNREGA and other schemes and public welfare initiatives and carried out in the area.
Among others, CEO, CHO, CAHO, DSHO, BDO, BMO, Engineers from various engineering wings, and other district officers and officials attended the programme.


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