Proud Moment : J&K students shines in South Asian championship


AYESHA ALI ACADEMY bagged 04 medals in 7th sqay south Asian championship held at Nepal. This is a proud moment for the whole J&K especially District KULGAM (AYESHA ALI ACADEMY).

The list of the players from Ayesha Ali Academy who won different medals is as given below:

1.Falak Mumtaz. (Gold)🥇
2.Sahira Aijaz (Gold)🥇
3.Amina Tawoos. (Bronze)🥇
4.Ayesha Illahi. (Bronze)

Headmaster ,Ayesha Ali Academy Mr. Javid Ahmad Bhat while lauding the efforts of the students said, “Our sports department/Coach strives hard to train students in diverse sports apart from the usual cricket and football. Our endeavour is to create a pool of students that can bring laurels to the school, valley and the nation in varied sports.
“Congratulations on your incredible success! I always knew you could do it, and I’m incredibly proud of you.”

Headmistress, Ayesha Ali Academy Ms. Rohi said, “True to our motto: service before self, our vision, and mission is to chart a course of excellence such that the youth of the valley lags behind no one, and ascends those heights which had previously been unimagined. My heartiest congratulations to the medal winners, and those who worked behind the scenes tirelessly to harness their talent.”

Incharge Sports Department Ayesha Ali Academy, Mr. Sajad Ahmad Shah congratulated the winning players and said, “A healthy mind exists in a healthy body and both are vital to a healthy society. At Ayesha Ali Academy Kanipora we are committed to the idea of creating a healthy and thriving society, and this win stands as a proof of our commitment. Congratulations to all.”


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