Prominent persons join Congress Party, JKPCC Chief welcomes


Prominent persons from Kupwara district joined Congress Party today in presence of J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Chief Vikar Rasool Wani and other senior Leaders at Srinagar Party Office.
JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani welcomed the new entrants and congratulated them for joining the party.
Dr.Gh.Nabi Lone (Surgeon) from Rudbug Handwara alongwith dozens of supporters joined the Party describing the Party (Congress) as people’s Party with a history of sacrifices and selfless services to the people.
On this occasion JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool said every right-thinking person with a great desire to serve people is welcome in Congress party, as that Party believes in strengthening and serving people to the best of its ability.
Congress has 138 years of service to the people,s it will continue to serve and empower every section of the people living in the country. It was heartening to observe that prominent social and political faces are joining Congress knowing that it is the only Congress, which is fully capable to serve and represent people’s urges and aspirations, Wani added.
JKPCC President further said that Congress is a vibrant situation and only unifying force in the country, it will continue to work for empowerment and deliverance of justice to people, he said
Wani urged the new entrants to use Congress Platform to serve people of their respective areas.
Senior Party Leaders Gulam Nabi Monga (Ex. MLC), Mohd Anwar Bhat DCC President Fayaz Ahmad Dar, Bashir Ahmad Khan, Nazir Ahmad Lone, Murtaza Wani and various others leaders were present on this occasion and welcomed Dr.Gh.Nabi Lone and his supporters into Congress Party.


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