Prayers for snowfall in Dras

Dry spell in Dras
Dry spell in Dras

Ladakh  is witnessing one of the longest dry spells in the winter.

It’s been more than 50 days of dry spell in the Kashmir and Ladakh, leading to a huge disappointment among the tourists visiting both the regions. This has led tourists and locals to explore alternative destinations like Sinthan Top.

In this regard, Kashmir valley had already organised congregational prayers at different  Jamia Masjids of valley. Now prayers are being observed in Dras and other areas of Ladakh region.

These congregational prayers known as Salat-ul-Istisqa.Salat-ul-Istisqa were observed in several villages of Dras sub-division.

According to The Directorate of Tourism, UT Ladakh, the dry spell has led to the drying up of water bodies, which has become a grave concern.

Also read: Impact of dry weather on Kashmir’s fishermen and their livelihood


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