Power Games: Russia sends team to India to discuss mounting dues


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s trusted lieutenant Sergey Chemezov, who is the CEO of Russia’s military-industrial behemoth Rostek, was in India last month.

India and Russia have been struggling to sort out payment issues. India imports huge amounts of crude and military equipment from Russia.

The sanctions imposed by the western countries on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine have disrupted the existing payment mechanisms.

The two countries have since explored various options, including the opening of Vostro accounts, etc. But the issue has not been resolved and Indian dues to Russia have piled up.

Sources said the Russian team has said that mounting dues may affect future supplies from Russia.

Among the key military imports from Russia that may get affected because of the payment problems is the S400 air defence system. India had bought five units of S400 long-range air defence system for about Rs 40,000 crore.

Two batteries comprising missile launchers, a command control station, tracking radar, surveillance radar, support vehicles and 80-100 missiles of four types per battery have arrived.

Three more batteries are pending delivery. The S400 is considered to be one of the most advanced air defence systems in the world. The first squadrons have already been deployed in Punjab along the Indo-Pakistan border.


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