People feel neglected even after the abrogation of Article 370.


Jammu and Kashmir: A thin administrative council is another obstacle in the path of development in the Jammu region.Kashmir remain the power of corridor after independence, and all major decisions and historical announcements were made at Srinagar. Even the Oath ceremony for forming of government took place at Srinagar, the summer capital of the Jammu and Kashmir state. After the 2014 Assembly election when a coalition govt formed by the BJP and PDP the intellectuals were of the opinion that BJP will withdraw the support at least 6 months before the assembly election.

After 19th June 2018 on which date the then Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti submitted her resignation as BJP withdraw the support to her govt. The BJP which had continued to support PDP since 2015 suddenly realized that it could no longer keep the three-year-old “marriage of convenience” intact. The PDP government fell on the fateful date. But the opposition parties including NC, Congress, PC, and PDP offered to form the govt claiming that they had the requisite numbers. They staked their claim before the then Governor of J&K on the strength of their majority in the legislature who however preferred to dissolve the Assembly. And the opposition alleged foul play in preventing them to form the govt, the Governor claimed that he never received formal communication in this regard from the said parties as his fax is out of order.

Jammu and Kashmir: Being a student of constitutional law I was of the opinion that it was appropriate for Mehbooba Mufti to claimed that she enjoyed the Majority in the assembly and she will prove Majority in the Assembly, instead of tendering her resignation to the Governor , like an obedient partner. In that situation congress can support the PDP and N. C may not participate in the none confidence motion and walk out from the assembly. Mehbooba Mufti could defeat the non confidence motion if she acted like this. But reason best known to the Mehbooba Mufti for tendering the resignation without taking the legal advice.

After 5th of august 2019 the state of Jammu and Kashmir divided into two U.Ts Ladakh and Jammu & Kashmir due to which all the activities became stand still. The people of Leh celebrated the division of state openly as they always demanded for UT but the people of Jammu also hail the decision of central Govt.

AS BJP rules in center and indirectly ruling the Jammu and Kashmir through Lieutenant Governor. For the first time, the people of Jammu thought that they got a chance for fair development of Jammu. But now they are feeling that they are more suffering than Kashmir. The people of jammu gifted with toll plaza, With property tax, cancellation of SI and account assistant selection list, and raising of the unemployment ratio in the U T. The daily wager of all departments are on the road to regularization particular the PHE daily wagers, The lambardar, and chowkidar who are the backbone of democracy are also not happy with the affairs of the govt.

The Leader of BJP has to show their performance for the welfare of Jammu. They have to show their report card to the public in coming election. They cannot escape their responsibility simply by saying that nothing had been done by the previous government in 70 years .At present jammu and Kashmir is governed by president rules and BJP is indirectly managing the affairs of the UT.As majority of vote bank of BJP belongs to jammu division, It is time for the people of jammu generally and leader of BJP particularly to show their performance/ report card of good governance and leave no stone unturned for the development of erstwhile Dogra state.

The Jammu suffers badly due to the cancellation of the annual Darbar move. Reaching of train service to Katra, and will further suffer when train service available up to Srinagar directly . Some yatries of Mata Vashino Devi came to Katra in the morning and catch the train in evening after performing the Darshan. Even the Hotel industry of katra also suffers. The Rugunath Bzar which was a business hob of Jammu also suffer, one can see no rash on shops whole bazaar is look like desert.
It is time for govt to chalk out the strategy how to capture the tourist at least for two to three days in jammu How to get rid of the toll plaza , Who to manage the liquor policy of jammu and Kashmir . How to get the benefit of Minerals for the common man of the U T. we have to think on long term planning in order to catch the tourist in jammu province for which we have to tape the border tourism , religious tourism, and to develop the hilly resort.

The unemployment of educated youth in the U.T is reaching at the alarming sititution, but govt is not in a mood to tackle the issue of un- employment on priority basis. The transport industry and Hotel industry, fruit industry and agriculture sector is also suffering.

Even after august 2019 all major events of national level held at Srinagar, like G.20 and other event of national level. How to go for early assembly election in the UT is also main issue. How to get the due share of infrastructures of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Now it is time for BJP leadership of jammu and Kashmir to play their role and use their good offices for the overall development of jammu and Kashmir. So that educated un employed youth , common citizen, farmer, businessman and people of far-flung area may feel sigh of relief. People of jammu whether they belongs to civil society or member of trade union or common citizen must come forward and raise the burning issue of People. Public of Jammu must take a leading role at this time. It is good that one must loyal to party but one must raise the voice of common people of Jammu on priority. BJP Leadership of Jammu must think who to give good governance to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Is one Advisor to Hon’ble Lieutant Governor is sufficient for whole Union Territory, Whether he can give reasonable time to all the department. Is there is no need to appoint more Advisor in the UT in the interest of good governance and for the welfare of people. One L.G and one Advisor seems to be over burden with day to day affairs of the UT and cannot give reasonable time to every department due to which people face some hardship . some party leader of BJP like Dr. Jatinder Singh Hon’ble MOS and Sh. Ravinder Raina trying their best to raise the issue of public but needs flow up also, Yudvir Sethi Gen secy of BJP had seen coming to the rescue of common people whether they are shopkeeper of bus stand jammu or any issue of public . I had never meet Mr. Sethi in person but I think he is a man of public background, and trying to redress the grievances of public. I appealed to the Leadership of BJP to raise the issue of common public so that common man may not suffer more, and unemployed youth and daily wagers must feel a sigh of relief. ( Auther is former senior kas officer and practising advocate in jammu and Kashmir high court)

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