National Conference Hosts Mega Election Rally in Vijaypur Constituency.   


The National Conference party organized a massive election rally at Smailpur in Vijaypur constituency (No. 71), drawing thousands of supporters. The event featured prominent leaders, including Provential president Ratan lal Gupta, Rajesh Pargotra, NC candidate from Vijaypur constituency, District Vice President Ajay Sharma, and others.

Constituency Incharge Israr Khan, Ex DIG in his welcome note thanked all especially Dr Farooq Abdullah president National Conference j&k and highlighted the party’s outreach efforts in far-flung areas of the constituency and the challenges faced from opponents seeking to disrupt their programs and rallies.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah, in his address, lambasted the BJP for perpetuating communal divisions, lynching Muslims, and attacking mosques.The rally was part of the National Conference’s efforts to mobilize support ahead of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections set to decide the fate of alliance candidates.Dr. Farooq Abdullah’s speech at the rally in Vijaypur constituency was a scathing critique of the BJP’s policies and actions. He alleged that the BJP had forged a secret alliance with separatist groups, unleashing terror through their militant wings and separatist agendas.


Dr. Abdullah demanded to know what happened to the promised ₹15 lakhs, joking that he would call his bank manager to check if Modi had transferred the funds. He highlighted the crippling effects of high GST and income tax rates, coupled with rising prices of essential commodities, which have severely impacted the poor.

Key Issues Raised by Dr. Abdullah:*

*Economic Hardship*: High GST and income tax rates, rising prices of essential commodities

– *Unemployment*: Lack of job opportunities for state subjects, outsourcing of government posts to non-locals

*Exploitation*: Awarding contracts for construction materials from riverbeds to outsiders

Grabbing of lands of poor by Govt by one pretext or other and destroying their houses.

Dr. Abdullah also shared a poignant anecdote about the BJP’s rally in Varanasi, where thousands of earthen oil lamps were lit, only for poor people to collect the leftover oil for daily cooking. This starkly illustrated the contrast between the BJP’s symbolic gestures and the harsh realities faced by the poor.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah, made a passionate appeal to the public to unite and strengthen the hands of the Congress and National Conference (NC) to defeat the communal forces threatening the country’s composite culture, ethos, and brotherhood. He emphasized the importance of secular forces coming together to protect the nation’s diversity.

Key Appeals by Dr. Abdullah:*

*Defeat Communal Forces*: Support the Congress-NC alliance to counter communal forces bent on destroying the country’s secular fabric.

*Support Alliance Candidates*: Vote for Rajesh Pargotra (NC) from Vijaypur and Yashpaul Kundal (Congress) from Ramgarh constituency.

– *Tribute to Local Icons*: Dr. Abdullah paid homage to Baba Santokh Ji a renowned religious precher and and Pandit Girdhari Lal Dogra, a great leader highlighting their selfless contributions to humanity and the community.

By making these appeals, Dr. Abdullah aimed to rally the people against divisive forces and promote unity, secularism, and development in Jammu and Kashmir ¹.


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