“Modernity comes from good thoughts not from clothes” M.J. Akbar


    Release of Urdu translation (Farooq Argali: Translator) of Jamia’s Dr. Asif Umar’s book ‘Contribution of Muslim writers in Hindi literature’

    On Saturday, a lecture “The Meaning of Modernity” was organized under the joint aegis of Khusro Foundation and India Islamic Cultural Center located at Lodhi Road. The event started with the Urdu translation of Dr. Asif Umar’s book ” Contribution of Muslim Writers in Hindi Literature (Farooq Argali: Translator)From the release of Under this lecture, former Foreign Minister and senior journalist M.J. Akbar said in his statement that a person is not identified by religion but by the country. He further said during the statement that modernity comes from good thoughts and not from clothes.

    Aligarh Muslim University’s VC Prof. Tariq Mansoor presided over this lecture and in his statement praised MJ Akbar and said that Akbar Sahab has presented the real meaning of Modernity through his lecture. Prof. Mansoor Sahab further said that Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, President of Khusro Foundation and Siraj Qureshi, President of Islamic Culture Center, proved and established the true meaning of modernity through this program. Prof. Tariq Mansoor defined the meaning of the interrelationships of digital and modernity through his statement.While conducting the program, Prof. Akhtarul Wasey said that the true meaning of Modernity was defined by MJ Akbar Sahab in his lecture in real form and today we all need to work in this direction.Prof Vase described Akbar Saheb’s lecture as the real form of modernity.

    Conducting the program Prof. Akhtarul Wasey said that Dr. Asif Umar’s book will be very helpful in understanding Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb. Indians have served Hindi and Urdu language and literature without discrimination and Hindi Urdu has also seen everyone equally. He further said that this book presents an informative and factual subject in front of the readers by traveling through the entire era of Hindi literature and such a book is needed in this era of discussions.

    Secretary of Khusro Foundation Mr. Parvez Ahmed said that such programs develop mutual harmony and good feelings. Teachers and students of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Ambedkar University etc. were present in the programme. Siraj Qureshi sahab completed the responsibility of thanking for this grand event and said that the true meaning of modernity has been presented by MJ Akbar sahab and Prof. Tariq Mansoor sahab in their statement and we all should learn from it.

    – Murtaza Ali


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