LMD J&K conducts Awareness campaign for consumers


A massive awareness campaign was today conducted by Legal Metrology Department (LMD) J&K in various parts of the Union territory wherein the Consumers were apprised about the various consumer oriented legislations aimed at protecting their Consumer Rights.

In this regard, the main function was convened at Jammu which was presided over by Controller LMD J&K, Majid K. A. Drabu who emphasised upon all the Consumers to check the various parameters as part of their basic consumer rights before purchasing any product.

The Consumers were also apprised about the care to be taken while making any purchase through e-commerce platforms. It was emphasised that it is mandatory upon the various e-commerce portals to disclose the details of the products like complete manufacturing address, Country of Origin, Date of Packing, and Customer Care details etc. in pursuance with the recent amendments.

The various safeguards meant for the aggrieved consumers and the methods for enforcement of such provisions were thoroughly highlighted during the event.

The demonstrations were held regarding the declarations on packaged commodities, safety measures, warranty, potency, purity which are required to be looked upon by consumers before purchasing any product.

Besides this, demonstrations were given about net content checking in packaged goods, LPG cylinders, measurement of delivery from the petrol pumps etc.

The Consumers were pressed upon to ensure the weight of their items on a certified weighing scale and any use of any non-standard or unverified weights and measures is a criminal offence which must be brought into the notice of concerned legal metrology officers.

In Kashmir region, the awareness campaigns were held in Srinagar and Pulwama Districts as well wherein the Consumers were apprised by the Legal Metrology Officers to safeguard their rights before making any purchase and in case of any complaint the department may be immediately contacted.


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