LinkedIn Tests AI-Powered Feature to Simplify Post Creation Process


LinkedIn is currently testing an AI-powered feature that aims to simplify the process of creating posts on the platform. Keren Baruch, the Director of Product at LinkedIn, announced this in a recent post on the job-search network. The feature utilizes generative AI to convert a basic idea into a complete post.

According to Baruch, users start by writing a brief post of at least 30 words, outlining their thoughts and intended message. The generative AI then generates a first draft based on this input, which users can edit and refine to create the final post. The goal is to reduce the time and effort required to write a comprehensive post and make it easier for users to express their thoughts effectively.

Before rolling out the tool to all LinkedIn members, the company plans to gather user feedback and make necessary improvements. Baruch mentioned that more details will be provided in the future regarding this feature.


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