LG Sinha: Terror activities have witnessed more than 75% decline in J&K


Aman Zutshi

J&K LG Manoj Sinha on Tuesday said that Prime Minister Modi has provided right to every citizen of the country to live their life as per their own will.

Addressing a gathering of millions at MA Stadium in Jewel, LG Sinha, said:” Modiji has provided the right to every citizen to live their life as per their will. The terror activities have witnessed more than 75% decline in J&K.

LG added: “The top commanders of various terrorist outfits have been hunted down and the recruitment into the terrorist outfits have also ended upto to a great extent. The hartal calendars which used to be issued by our neihgbours is not being issued and the J&K govt is issuing the calendars of employment and education and is treading on that path”.

“Stone pelting has become a history now. The schools and universities now remain open throughout the year and the common people is enjoying night life in Kashmir as earlier after dusk fear used to loom the valley. Now the restaurants and cinema halls are open till midnight in the Kashmir region”, he asserted.

“We have gained success to metamorphize Jammu and Kashmir cities into an urban marble under the smart city project lead by honorable PM Modi. The youngsters are being seen playing guitarists at the Jhelum river front and in the coming days we will also witness the same at Tawi river front and we thank Modiji for this”, he stressed


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