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LC&MA starts first ever shoreline dredging in Nishat basin of dal lake


Lake conservation and management Authority starts dredging of the shoreline of the northern side of the Dal Lake under Lake Conservation Programme .
After completion of the shoreline dredging of the Hazratbal Basin , the department has shifted Crawl Cat Dredger to Northern side of the Dal Lake (Laam area) for dredging of the shoreline.
In the phase 1st , the department of LCMA has taken up the dredging along the shoreline in the Laam area of the lake for a stretch of 2 km approx. along the road by Departmental Dredger – Crawl Cat Dredge Hazratbal to achieve an average depth of 1.5 mtrs approx.The stretch to be covered under phase 1st is from NPL bund to Kral Sangri .

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