Kusha Kapila Opens Up About Lingering Grief Following Separation

Kusha Kapila Opens Up About Lingering Grief Following Separation
Kusha Kapila Opens Up About Lingering Grief Following Separation

It has been more than 40 days since Kusha Kapila announced her separation from Zorawar Ahluwalia. Despite this, the actor has maintained a busy schedule, participating in various activities such as a shoot alongside Deepika Padukone and hosting her show “Tinder Swipe Ride” on Jio Cinema. However, on a recent Sunday, Kusha took to her Instagram to share a lengthy reflection on how the lingering pain of the separation remains.

Kusha’s Reflection on Grief- The message that Kusha shared on her Instagram conveyed, “The experience of grief, or whatever form of it I am presently encountering, is a peculiar thing. While I am engulfed by its weightiness—akin to the sensation after an intense chest workout—I am simultaneously dwarfed by it. It’s as though I’m akin to an injured nail on a pinky toe, or like witnessing a grand cosmic event through the lens of a microscope.”

She went on to express that the overwhelming nature of grief doesn’t concern her as much as the possibility of its enduring permanence. “Is this an exclusive emotion? Will it remain a fixture in my life? Will it evolve into a sentiment I can grow accustomed to, or will it persist as a distant, amicable coexistence like roommates until our rental agreement expires? I kindly decline any renewals in this matter.”

Kusha articulated that she genuinely believes this grief has “fundamentally altered the way I perceive, consume, communicate, and merely exist.” She likened it to her tendency of repeatedly playing her favorite songs, fearing they might escape her if she doesn’t. She also described familiarity as her “comfort food” and anything novel as “intimidating, almost immobilizing.”

She concluded her message by stating, “I, in all sincerity, believed I had managed to elude most of the stages (of grief), perhaps even grief itself (clearly, the initial stage of denial). But then, it strikes you, akin to an astronomical event confined to a microscopic slide. You observe it all unfolding before you, for you are positioned behind the lens—it’s your eye that captures it.”

Kusha added a caption to her post, stating, “Let’s categorize this under ‘Sunday evenings are the most difficult’.”

Reactions to Kusha’s Post- Numerous public figures extended their support to Kusha and left comments on her profound reflection on grief. Masaba Gupta, her co-star from “Masaba Masaba” and a well-known actor and fashion designer, commented, “K, things do get better. Truly. I’ve been through it.” Masaba had gone through a divorce with film producer Madhu Mantena in 2019 and recently married actor Satyadeep Mishra.

Actor Pulkit Samrat also shared his thoughts, saying, “Kusha, it might seem incredibly tough at the moment…but remember, express without hesitation, scream, cry, stand still, run, sob, laugh…discard the map, just wander…freely! Grief lingers, yet it transforms…it definitely evolves, and you emerge as a more empathetic, affectionate, and compassionate soul!” Pulkit had married his girlfriend Shweta Rohira in 2014, but the couple separated the following year.

Ashish Shakya, a former member of the All India Bakchod comedy group, who is now a stand-up comedian, resonated with Kusha’s sentiments about Sunday evenings, stating that he would choose Monday mornings over them any time. Fashion designer Anaita Shroff Adajania also showed her support for Kusha by inviting her over with a heart emoji.


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