Kishtwar Admin finalizes procedure for transparent recruitment of workers for Rattle HPP


Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Dr Devansh Yadav today discussed and finalized the process for recruitment of workers for the Rattle Hydro Power Project (HPP) here at a meeting.

The recruitment mechanism submitted by the authorities of Rattle HPC was presented and discussed in the meeting .

The meeting asked the Rattle HPC authorities and ALC office to provide first opportunity to the members of left out project affected families as per the required criteria.

In light of the discussions, it was unanimously decided that the order of preference for recruitment will be followed in the order of Displaced PAFs, Landowners, PAFs (affected), Local inhabitants of Drabshalla Tehsil (with preference to AAY and BPL categories) and Youths from the District Kishtwar followed by the District Doda, Other Districts of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, and other states.

Furthermore, it was unanimously agreed that the recruitment process shall be transparent, and a defined mechanism will be followed. Besides, the Recruitment shall take place once a month, preferably on the first Monday of the week, based on the identified needs.

The DC Kishtwar also asked to give wide publicity to Public notices inviting applications, along with the eligibility criteria, type of posts, and all other relevant details.

The Assistant Labour Commissioner (ALC) and Tehsildar Drabshalla were entrusted with the responsibility of issuing recruitment notices and ensuring extensive publicity.

The step-by-step process of recruitment shall include identifying hiring needs, preparing job descriptions, notifying vacancies, following the preferences mentioned above , screening and shortlisting candidates, conducting interviews, issuing offer letters, and facilitating employee onboarding.

Further, the Chair directed the ALC to visit the site, consult with labour groups, and present suggestions or proposals for consideration.


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