Kerala actor-advocate remarries wife under Special Marriage Act; triggers row


The recent remarriage of advocate and actor C Shukkur and his wife Sheena, the former Pro Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, has caused controversy on social media. The couple, who had been married for 29 years, chose to renew their vows under the Special Marriage Act. However, the reason behind the remarriage has been the subject of criticism. The couple’s goal was to ensure their daughter’s financial security, which is not allowed under Muslim law. The couple’s three daughters were present at the remarriage ceremony.

C Shukkur came under attack after he announced his decision to marry his wife under the Special Marriage Act to ensure that his property goes to his daughters and not to his brother. The Council for Fatwa and Research of Darul Huda Islamic University issued a fatwa against Shukkur, reports said. The fatwa was issued on Tuesday, a day before his remarriage. “Such thoughts are tragic results of the failure to understand the Islamic principles…Allah is the real owner of all wealth and property. They should be utilised the way Allah stipulated,” the fatwa said adding that a person can divide the property among the daughters when he or she is alive.

“True believers will not fall prey to such drama by those who use religion for personal gains. They (true believers) will strongly resist such heinous moves that are meant to insult religious laws and drain believers’ morale,” the fatwa said.

Under the Muslim personal laws, which also govern inheritance of property, daughters will only get two-thirds of their father’s property and the rest will go to his brothers in the absence of a male heir.

Shukkur has reacted to the fatwa and the criticisms coming his way as he said his decision was not aimed at disrespecting any religious beliefs or breaking the morale of believers and therefore, there was no need for any “strong opposition”.

Famous sound designer Resul Pookutty congratulated the couple for the remarriage and said that their move is an eye opener for every liberal Muslim in the country. “Today the step he has taken is an eye opener to every liberal Muslim in this country. I couldn’t be there with him for his “second marriage” but I’m there with him in spirit and the courageous stand he has taken. All the best to you and your “newly wedded wife” and the family that comes along with it,” Pookutty said in a Facebook post.


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