JKPCC strongly condemns brutal killing of Sanjay Pandit, demands examplary punishment to killers


Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee Sunday strongly condemned killing of minority community member Sanjay Pandit by gunmen in Pulwama district.
JKPCC expressed deep shock and anguis over the brutal killing of Sanjay Pandit by gunmen in Pulwama District and termed the incident heart wrenchig mindless and cowardice act on the part of gunmen.
The perpetrators of this henious crime must be identified and given examplary punishment. Bloodshed and killing of innocent people are highly condemnable and deserve strong condemnation by every section of the people, JKPCC added and expressed solidarity with the family of slain person and prayed for their courage to bear the loss of their dear one.
The rank and file of JKPCC conveyed deepest condolences to family of martyr Sanjay Pandit.


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