J&K Traffic Police collects staggering Rs 11.76 Cr in fines from violators


In a revelation that highlights the magnitude of traffic violations in Jammu and Kashmir, the Traffic Police Department has disclosed that it has collected a colossal Rs 11,76,13,125 in fines from errant motorists and pedestrians over the past five years, from 2019 to 2023.

The startling figures were shared by the Traffic Department in response to an RTI query filed by MM Shuja, shedding light on the alarming rate of traffic offenses in the Union Territory.

The year-wise breakdown of fines collected is a testament to the persistent disregard for traffic rules among a significant segment of the population. In 2023, the Traffic Police has collected a substantial Rs 2.14 crore in fines from violators. in 2022, witnessed an even higher amount of Rs 3.4 crore being collected, reflecting the authorities’ intensified efforts to curb violations and promote road safety.

The trend continues in the preceding years, with Rs 2.5 crore collected in 2021, Rs 1.9 crore in 2020, and Rs 1.74 crore in 2019, indicating a consistent pattern of traffic infractions across the Union Territory.

These staggering figures not only underscore the severity of the issue but also highlight the potential risk to public safety posed by reckless and irresponsible behavior on the roads.

Common traffic violations that have contributed to the hefty fines include speeding, reckless driving, ignoring traffic signals, unauthorized parking, and other infractions that disrupt the smooth flow of traffic and endanger the lives of motorists and pedestrians alike.

The Jammu and Kashmir Traffic Police have intensified their efforts to promote road safety and instill a sense of responsibility among road users. Through rigorous enforcement measures, awareness campaigns, and the imposition of substantial fines, the authorities aim to deter violators and encourage compliance with traffic regulations.

However, the recurring collection of such massive fines over the past five years suggests that more needs to be done to address the root causes of traffic violations and foster a culture of responsible driving and pedestrian behavior.


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