J&K Apni Party to Release Manifesto Today


J&k Apni party  important Manifesto Points : mention below

• Land and Job Protection: Our party will secure constitutional guarantees for the protection of land and job security for local youth.
• Restoration and Repealed Amended Laws: The Apni Party will revisit and restore all the laws that were withdrawn or amended over time.
• Statehood Restoration: We will work tirelessly to restore statehood, as promised by the Hon’ble Home Minister of India on August 5, 2019.
• Cultural and Identity Preservation: The Apni Party will constitutional guarantees to preserve the culture and special identity of Jammu and Kashmir, similar to the provisions of Article 371 in some northeastern sta This includes land and job protection, addressing the people’s sense of loss. 5. Bicameral Legislature: Upon the restoration of statehood, we will vigorous seek the reinstatement of a bicameral legislature, comprising both a Legislatist 2019 and Kashmir, similar to the provisions of Article 371 in some northeastern states. This includes land and job protection, addressing the people’s sense of loss
• Kashmiri Pandit’s Return: The Apni Party believes in the dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave Kashmir under tragic circumstances. We will consult with their representatives to facilitate their return. An Apex Committee, chaired by the Chief Minister and comprising representatives of all registered Kashmiri Pandit organizations, will be constituted. This committee will meet every six months to address migrant issues. The Revenue Minister will serve as the convener.
• Old Pension Scheme: A committee will be established to review the demand for restoring the Old Pension Scheme.
• Forest Rights Act Review: We will review and closely monitor the implementation of the Forest Rights Act of 2019 to eliminate harassment and extend its benefits to those residing near forest areas, beyond the Scheduled Tribes (STS).
• Sikh Community Status: The Apni Party will ensure minority status for the Sikh community in the Union Territory.
• Power Supply: Due to acute power shortages, electricity supply is severely affected in Kashmir during winter and Jammu during summer. The Apni Party will provide 300 units of free power per month per household in Kashmir during winter (October to March) and in Jammu during summer (April to September).
• Hydel Project Transfer: We will seek the transfer of hydel projects run by the NHPC, currently generating power by harnessing the Chenab River’s waters, to Jammu and Kashmir. This will address the poor power situation by making full power production available locally
• With the situation returning to normal, the Apni Party will leave no stone unturned to secure the early release of detainees not involved in heinous crimes


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