Jal Jeevan Mission Stakeholders Conference held in Bandipora


The Project Management Consultancy Mission Directorate, Jal Jeevan Mission, J&K, in collaboration with District Administration, District Jal Jeevan Mission, Bandipora conducted a day-long mega handholding cum awareness program at Conference Hall, Mini Secretariat, Bandipora.
The programme witnessed an overwhelming participation of various stakeholders viz. Pani Samiti members, Sarpanches, field staff of Rural Development Department (Panchayat Secretaries), Jal Shakti Department (PHE), DPMU Staff, Implementation Support Agency (ISA) representatives, Anganwadi/ASHA workers, water testing lab staff, and FTK Trained Women from various panchayats.
The inaugural session of the program was presided over by the District Development Commissioner, Chairperson District Jal Jeevan Mission, Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmad. Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Nodal Officer-Coordination M A Hakak, Joint Director, Planning, Mr Imtiyaz Ahmad, Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti, Mr. Fida Hussain Rizvi and other officers of various departments were present on the occasion.
The DC, during his address, highlighted the various aspects of Jal Jeevan Mission and enumerated the steps being undertaken for ensuring clean and safe drinking water to every household of the District. He also appreciated the role played by PRIs and Pani Samiti members in over-all implementation and execution of JJM projects in various panchayats of the District and further emphasized on them to play a proactive role in the support and capacity building activities being conducted by ISA partners and Jal Shakti Department so as to ensure smooth functioning of the schemes once they are functional.
The Chairperson also impressed upon stakeholders to play their role in conservation of water and water bodies in their respective areas as the District is known for Alim Adab and Aab (Water).
Nizam Mansoory, Team Leader, Project Management Consultancy, also conducted a session wherein he highlighted the various aspects of water management and over-all conservation measures and the importance of Jal Jeevan Mission for ensuring clean tap water to every household.
He also highlighted that the mission aims to provide fresh tap water supply to every household in the district at a rate of 55 liters per capita per day, and various trainings have been conducted to ensure the mission’s effective and timely completion.
Another session was conducted by Rakesh, Technical Expert from Project Management Consultancy, where he presented a detailed overview of various parameters of the Jal Jeevan Mission and explained in detail the role and duties of various stakeholders.
In another session, Live demonstration of Water Testing on Field Testing Kits was presented by Water Testing Staff before the stakeholders in order to train them and also various aspects/parameters of water testing & quality were discussed in detail.
Joint Director, Planning, Imtiyaz Ahmad also spoke on the occasion and highlighted the series of steps undertaken by the district for successful implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in the district including the formulation of Water Security Plan, Conduct of Water Survey, formulation of District Action Plan.
He also emphasized on encouraging local communities to take over the rural water supply system for operation and maintenance, and help the administration so that the “Har Ghar nal se jal “ mission is successful. He also briefed that 121 JJM Schemes have been approved in the district and presently work on 91 Service Reservoirs, 22 OHTs,38 Rapid Sand Filtration Plants, 17 Bore Wells is going on in full pace and works are targeted for completion during this year itself.
During the programme, a feedback session was also conducted during which stakeholders presented their suggestion and grievances, which were duly taken note of for appropriate action by the department(s).
The programme proceedings were conducted by Altaf Ahmad Mir, Coordinator, IEC, JJM, Bandipora, who also presented detailed analysis of various aspects and achievements of Jal Jeevan Mission.


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