Iraq Blocks Telegram App Citing Data Mishandling and Security Concerns


Iraq’s telecommunications ministry has announced the blocking of the Telegram messaging app due to concerns regarding national security and the mishandling of users’ personal data, aiming to safeguard data integrity.

While the app is extensively used in Iraq for communication, news dissemination, and content sharing, certain channels have been found to contain substantial amounts of private information, including names, addresses, and familial connections of Iraqi individuals.

According to a ministry statement, attempts were made to persuade the app to shut down platforms that disclosed official state institutions’ data and citizens’ personal information. Regrettably, the company did not acknowledge or respond to these requests.

The ministry emphasized its commitment to upholding citizens’ rights to freedom of expression and communication, all while ensuring the state’s security and integrity of its institutions.

As of now, Telegram has not provided a response to an emailed request for comment.


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