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Indian Army to train differently-abled soldiers for Paralympics

Indian Army to train differently-abled soldiers:

Indian Army to train differently-abled soldiers: The Indian Army will rehabilitate and help differently-abled soldiers who were injured on the battlefield, train for the Paralympics. It will identify potential talents for athletics, rowing, archery, swimming, shooting, para-lifting, kayaking and canoeing. The Army wishes to help combat-hardened soldiers who have become ‘battle casualties’ in the process of undertaking their duties and are now unable to take up active duties. Officials said some of these differently-abled soldiers have remarkable shooting acumen which may be honed for the Paralympics.

Indian Army to train differently-abled soldiers

“The Mission Olympic Wing (MOW) has the following institutes under its ambit which specialise in the training of such disciplines- Army Marksmanship Unit, Mhow (Shooting), Army Paralympic Node, Kirkee and Army Rowing Node, Pune,” said officials.

The volunteers will undergo screening and selected individuals will be retained at APN, Kirkee or other MOW nodes for further training.

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