In Wedding Gown, Kashmiri Groom Goes to Vote


In a heartwarming display of civic duty, a groom in Kashmir’s  Kangan area, dressed resplendently in his wedding attire, took a momentous detour on his special day to cast his ballot in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Amidst the festive atmosphere of his wedding day, the groom, along with his family and friends, made a meaningful stop at a polling station, embodying the essence of democracy and citizenship.

Identified as Mohammad Ashraf Shah, the groom is from Kangan town. He is going with Baraat later in the day and get his bride. Reports said he specially used the wedding gown to be part of the process.

The captivating scene, captured on camera and shared widely across social media platforms, symbolises the unwavering commitment of Kashmiri citizens to participate in the electoral process.

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